Friday, November 14, 2008

What They Talkin 'Bout, Willis?

Obama met with his former adversary, Hill-Hill to see if she would be interested in a role in his administration. The rumor is she could be the next Sec. of State.

Her experience and popularity in other countries could serve her well if chosen. And I'm sure she is well aware of her powers.

But, I wonder if there's something else she may like to do (besides President). She would be great handling healthcare or equal rights. However, her best role could be in the Supreme Court. I think she would be a great asset as a judge.

I'm anxious to see the outcome of this meeting. Who knows, it could be all about nothing.


  1. I agree, Hillary would be awesome on the Supreme Court, however, she has said before that she would never be interested in that position. Most think it's because that would be the end of her political career and she has higher (Presidential?) aspirations.

    I love me some Clinton and I do hope she takes on a cabinet position, the Clintons belong in the White House.

  2. If Obama was even to wink at the idea of putting her on the bench the social conservative would go crazy, because Hilary Clinton has president is dangerous to them; however, Hilary Clinton on the bench of the highest court would be disastrous to them.
    Plus I don't think that would be a role that suits her. She is a politician by nature, not a judge. She likes to make policy and directly change peoples' lives, rather than indirectly via a court ruling.
    I don't like the idea of her in the State Department because that would be tucking her away in a corner removed from domestic policy--which might be good for President Obama politically. Secretary of Education or Secretary of Health and Human Services, would be better choices in my mind.

  3. I like the idea of her on the USSC. I've also recommended on of my Senators, Sheldon Whitehouse for the USSC.

    I know Sheldon Whitehouse, worked for him when he was state Attorney General. It think he'd make a dispassionate jurist.
