Saturday, November 22, 2008




  1. When I was a kid, my Dad LOVED Star Trek - and we watched it all the time (it was in reruns by then - I'm not THAT old!).

    Uhura was my FAVORITE on the show (which annoyed my father to no end, I'm sure). Even at a young age, I could recognize a diva.

    I especially loved it when she would delicately put her hand to her earpiece thingy when she was receiving a transmission.

    I can't wait for the new movie.


  2. thumbs up for me! All I want is for her to have a presence in the film beyond background esthetics.

  3. I agree with you David. I liked to see her do that, or say "Captain, something is coming". I've always been in awe of her and the original actress. And I'm also looking foewad to the movie, and I'm not even a Trekkie

  4. I am soooo turned out in a lovely way that my girl Zoe is cast as Uhura. Yes, she is DIVA to the tenth power. And, Miss Woman was a fierce ballet dancer. Honey, she flew through the air. Now she is in orbit. Hello!

    Ummm, FYI mamita is Dominican. Represent Latinos mama! Wepa!
