Friday, November 14, 2008

Sarah P + Wardrobe = Mis-management

McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis talked about the mis-management of Palin's wardrobe. But in his comment, he mentioned something that proved there was not any real vetting of Sarah. When he talked about the RNC conference, he said.

“We flew her out from Alaska to Arizona to Ohio to introduce her to the world and take control of her life. She didn’t think ‘dress for the convention’, because it might have just been a nice day trip to Arizona if she didn’t click with John. Very little prep had been done and if it had, we might have gotten picked off by the press. We were under incredible scrutiny."

"We were under incredible scrutiny. We got her a gal from New York and we thought, ‘Let’s get some clothes for her and the family.’ It was a failure of management not to get better control and track of that. "The right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing, what it was worth or where it was going. No one knew how much that stuff was worth. It was more our responsibility than hers.”

So it seemed that it was a quickie. Sarah really didn't know John and vice versa. This is so interesting, because they claimed that Sarah was the best pick for McCain. If that piece is true, then their whole campaign was a hot mess.

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