Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Atheists, Assemble!

A new age is coming. The powers or the church is hitting its bullsh** limits and people thinking more freely about religion. Around the holidays or December 23rd, humanists, atheists, realists are gathering in many cities to celebrate the holiday they call HumanLight.

HumanLight presents an alternative reason to celebrate: a Humanist's vision of a good future. It is a future in which all people can identify with each other, behave with the highest moral standards, and work together toward a happy, just and peaceful world.

And more nonbelievers are coming out. More books about atheists, lawsuits pushing for separation of church and state, and even the Prop 8 battle has sparked a powerful backlash against religion. People are not seeing the same things as they used to. They are seeing the darker side of faith which includes greed, lust, and other deadly sins they try to save us from.

In an interesting article, the numbers of nonbelievers are growing. In fact, they have a public campaign that involves a myriad of ads on billboards, transportation, radio and TV, and the Internet. The reason? To declare that they are growing and they exist. They also want to provide a healthy, stable reality for society.

Now the religious groups are not worried yet, they still have their folks trained in the word of God, but times are changing. Obama's presidency brings the a saner and passive image to religion. His Supreme Court picks will leave 'church' out of the courtroom. And the civil rights issue with religion is causing more folks to think about the other side. Which is enough to fuel the nonbelievers in stepping it up in a big way. I wonder what the impact will be once these ads go fully mainstream.

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