Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No American Love

Michelle Obama was questioned about her love for America. And if it was her first time feeling the American love then so be it. Because I'm still not feeling America.

Why would anyone feel good about this country? Why would say I love this country, when I'm not sure this country loves me. I am reminded everyday of the abusive relationship I have with this country.

  • Prop 8 & Prop 102
  • anti-gay marriage bans
  • gay bashing
  • The South
  • the ignorance of the people
  • fear of a black president
  • greed and financial fallout
  • Katrina
  • lack of diversity in the media
  • lack of diversity in the LGBT community
  • racist people who claim to be good Americans and Christians
  • bigots

It makes me want to holler sometimes, it really does. I try to understand the foolishness, but we are in the 21st century. Most of the listed issues should not be issues. This year is my reality check.

Seeing some of these YouTube clips and hearing some these fools just eats me alive. But I believe, that in my lifetime things will change. I believe that maybe this election kicks off a chain reaction that opens minds. I know there will be mess, but hopefully it will falter. We can be a great country if we grow up. I hope we can get there before I'm 1097 years old.

1 comment:

  1. The gap in the polling data seems to be going Obama's way.

    I don't understand the conception of socialism though. I want universal healthcare, I want a decent welfare and unemployment system. I'm willing to pay taxes for that.

    Hell I even want our roads to be maintained.

    Because otherwise they're just wasting my tax dollars.
