Friday, October 10, 2008

Horror in Real Time: Racist Edition

1 comment:

  1. That is totally disgraceful. I'd take the guy and drop him into the blackest part of say, oh, Atlanta. Leave him there, no clothes, no money, nothing.

    But the saddest part is I just bet those people would take care of him before they'd hurt him.

    Racists really piss me off.

    I don't know what it is that racist white men fear about black people. During my life I've been helped out by more people of color (black, latino et al) than white people.

    But then I realize, skin color and features are strictly genetic adaptations. They have nothing to do with who is inferior to whom.

    Why not treasure someone for more than their outward appearance? That seems to be a concept some people just can't grasp.
