Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What did she say? NOTHING

Sue Ellen Palin had her chance to tell us about her and what her plans are. But what did we get, nothing new and new exciting. She came out swinging, but she may have set herself up badly.

She spoke to her base, but made no clear distinction that they are different than the Bush foolishness. Sue Ellen Palin only solidified her lifeless platform and G.I. Joe bullcrap that got us in this war mess 7 years ago.

"What exactly is our opponent's plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make the government bigger and take more of your money."

Honey, what is your plan? She didn't have one and she won't. She hit the mark, but with her own peeps. To me, she didn't bring it and may have been her biggest mistake.

So, get ready Palin, because they (Dems) are coming and they will tear you apart. I realized why Obama and Biden haven't said anything about her, they wanted to see if Repubs could strike without ammo. And they did, but now I'm sure Palin will regret her "come get it" speech.


  1. That quote you used pissed me off. If you want to mock gay marriages, it's not right, but whatever. However, mocking the state of our environment is totally out of line. It's a real issue. It was laughed off.

    She truly said nothing in her speech. Everyone was talking about how amazing she was. Well, she read from a teleprompter.

  2. I think Palin was amazing. She was charming, and although she didn't say anything very surprising, I find her very refreshing. I think it's the democrats that need to watch out. I think she is amazing.


  3. 'Amazing' my shiny metal ass. Of course she didn't say anything 'very surprising', that speech wasn't even written for her. It was just written for some unspecified VP candidate and then left lying around waiting for the vetting to be over ... and then vaguely reworked to fit her slightly. 'Charming' - I hope you'll find it equally charming if, in Palin's future ideal American society, your 13-year-old daughter gets raped & ends up pregnant and is forced to carry the child to term. That sounds awfully nasty, but it's true, this is one of the things Palin wants for your country. Hope you'll enjoy yourself, Mandy.

    A few weeks ago Palin didn't even know what a VP does. Why would anyone take even a remote chance on a person like that??

    Sam Harris' comments, which everyone ought to read:
