Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hallmark Cards: The Work of the Devil

No surprise here.
Hallmark's decision to introduce a new line of cards for gay marriages has drawn criticism from conservative Christian groups who accuse the company of promoting immoral behavior.

Hallmark is releasing four cards specifically for same-sex couples in response to increasing demand after gay marriage was legalized in California in May.

Tim Wildmon, president of the Tupelo, Miss.-based American Family Association, called Hallmark's decision ''apalling.''

''I'm pretty jaded now with everything I've seen, but Hallmark is synonymous with all-American . . . wholesomeness,'' Wildmon said. ''So this does surprise me that they want to get into the culture wars.''

No, Timmy, it surprise me that you and your group are still thinking America is this pure nation. Well, face it. We're nowhere near wholesome and pure. We are about sinful and filthy as they come. That's the America I know.


  1. I like how two men or two women loving each other isn't wholesome or all-american. I guess wholesome and all-american would be public lynching, like this ass would like to do.

  2. I like how two men or two women loving each other isn't wholesome or all-american. I guess wholesome and all-american would be public lynching, like this ass would like to do.

  3. And I'm appalled with two p's (Yes, it's a line from Bloom County when Binkley meets his fathers bimbo Stormee with two e's.

    Anyhow I can't believe the AFA gets their underwear in a bunch about four cards. Of course by calling it immoral behavior they're implying that there is a choice in the matter of being gay.

    I'm sorry to tell them that there isn't. For examples see Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, et al. They didn't chose to be gay, they chose to employ subterfuge and deception to hide the fact that they were gay. In both cases they continue to live that lie, with Craig denying it to this day and Haggard trying to sublimate his desiers into religious extasy.

    Then there's our perennial favorite, Fred Phelps and his ilk. You cannot tell me that in that little clan there isn't at least one kid who is gay as a goose. We're about 5 to 10% of the general population and even if you take the low end, in a group of 100 chances are that up to 5 would be gay.

    I wonder if Freds head would explode if that happened? I'd like to see that on live television but then that brings up the question. Why does such a hateful bigot get airtime at all?

    Then there's the devil, aka El Diablo, Satan, Beelzebub... but there's one name you don't hear much. That's Lucifer, or the Light Bringer. The light being a euphemism for knowledge.

    Interesting stuff when you read a little past the dogma.

  4. I presume this Wildmon is a relative of Donald Wildmon, who once accused CBS (and specifically, former "adult" animator Ralph Bakshi) of airing a cartoon in which Mighty Mouse does cocaine. I saw that episode, and here's how it actually went down: Mighty Mouse is protective of/smitten by a flower girl. She gives him flowers, and he smells them. A big, mean, businessman type who has a grudge against the flower girl drives up, seizes the flowers, crushes them, and hands them back to Mighty Mouse. Mighty Mouse, still smitten, smells the crushed remains. Shysters like the Wildmon Bunch don't care about the truth. They only care about getting their gullible followers riled up about imaginary conspiracies. It would be funny, if these paranoid dupes weren't being goaded into voting against my human rights.

  5. Vik,

    I am SCARED of Pazuzu and I demand that you take his picture down RIGHT NOW!

    : )

  6. But I love Pazuzu, its one of my favorite demons
