Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, sounds like a soap opera name, but she's a real woman. She a part of the Hillraisers, a group of super rich people who forked over thousands to Hill-Hill's campaign.
Well Missy-Miss is not trying to keep hope alive in the Dems' world. She and a few more Hill-folks are stalling to help Obama.
"This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him. I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him," she said.
Really, well lets look at your "commonwealth" back ground, de Rothschild.
She was married to British banking scion Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, you are mega rich, you are considered a socialite in New York, and you 'Lady' before your name. So in someways, I can or think of you as an elistist.
And please, you are a smart person. Obama is the fresh batch of chicken wings right now. Your actions isn't helping anything so get off your billion dollar box help us win. And to the others, who are willing to jump ship...
I totally agree- for some of these folks to claim that Obama is elitist, is hypocritical beyond belief.
ReplyDeleteI have to wonder at the end of the day, is Hillary behind the Hillraisers attempts to sabotage an Obama presidency? I hope not. But if Hillary really wants them to donate to Obama, then I would think they would, particularly given they are swimming in money.
Now you are going after her for the way her name sounds???
ReplyDeleteA Barak Hussein Obama supporter? Ha, ha.
As a Hillary supporter or a democrat in general, please tell me why our Presidential nominee voted to continue FISA, is against campaign finance reform, is for expanding the death penalty, went to a racist church for years, joining as an adult, praised conservative justices on the DC gun ban refersal, is for continuing faith based funding of schools, charities and hiring with our tax payers dollars.
What about any of these positions is in alignment with the Democratic Party Platform?
And this is the guy the ultra-loony left pushed over the top for the nomination? I'll take HRC anyday. At least she is sincere, experienced and you know what you are getting with her.
Obama now seems more conservative than McCain.
I don't know who this guy is and don't trust a thing he says at this point.
Now you are going after her for the way her name sounds???
ReplyDeleteA Barak Hussein Obama supporter? Ha, ha.
As a Hillary supporter or a democrat in general, please tell me why our Presidential nominee voted to continue FISA, is against campaign finance reform, is for expanding the death penalty, went to a racist church for years, joining as an adult, praised conservative justices on the DC gun ban refersal, is for continuing faith based funding of schools, charities and hiring with our tax payers dollars.
What about any of these positions is in alignment with the Democratic Party Platform?
And this is the guy the ultra-loony left pushed over the top for the nomination? I'll take HRC anyday. At least she is sincere, experienced and you know what you are getting with her.
Obama now seems more conservative than McCain.
I don't know who this guy is and don't trust a thing he says at this point.
independent voter here. disliking obamas "ways" and "words" alot lately and wonder if i really know who this guy is. starting to hear mccain say some things that i like and i believe him when he speaks so if i had to vote right now it owuld be for mccain.
ReplyDeleteHow a thinking human being could even start to believe that they "like" some things McCain says.
Obama isn't perfect, neither was Hillary and McCain is the farthest from what our country needs right now.