Sunday, June 15, 2008's Hot 100

Last Week, released their top 100 hot men of 2008. I just got around to see this list, but I was a little bit surprised with the choices.

First, I thought the list was 100 gay men since it is a gay site and channel, I just assumed it would be gay men. But it's a mix of gay and straight.

There are certain guys that are high on the list like T.R Knight? Gale Harold? Van Hansis? And he's only there because he playing gay on a soap opera.

Out of 100 men, only 9 of them were men of color. Maybe 9.5 since Cheyenne Jackson is half Native American.

The top guy (no pun intended) is Jake Gyllenhaal, which is interesting, because he beat John Barrowman.

And where were Tom Colicchio, Gregory Kieth (the guy in the pic), and Nathan Fillion. These are totally cute guys that should have made the list.

In all it's a decent list, but what I like about it was the assessment they did before counting down the top hot 100. To see it, click on the title.

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh! There is something wrong in the eyes of the voters. I think the top 10 is appalling, as for the entire list what did they do just pull them out of a hat?

    While many I had never heard of, I can certainly put them in place according to appeal.

    It is way to scrambled for my liking...LOL
