Wednesday, July 6, 2016

I went to Palm Springs

Hi all, I'm back from Palm Springs.

I took some time off with a guy pal of mine and we spent 5 great days in PS. We stayed at a clothing optional resort, where I took a huge risk and went nude. It was liberating and I felt quite sexy doing it.

We meet a lot of great people and had some "interesting" moments. I learned that many, many guys out there are Sugar Daddies, who doesn't mind dropping a dollar or two for a cute boy at their side. I tried not to judge, but it was a bit sad to see. However, there where old fashion gay couples and a few frisky single guys there as well.

It was super hot in Palm Springs, but I loved it. If you need to get away, be naughty or nude... Go to Palm Springs.


  1. You're a braver man than I; we've stayed at clothing optional places in The Keys but I always chose the clothed-option!

  2. Damn, that sounds hot. I gotta get in shape so I can feel comfortable nude.
