Wednesday, June 22, 2016

In Tennessee: Congressional Idiot wants to 'Make America White Again'


Some f**khead independent candidate posted this sign with the slogan "Make America White Again"

Rick Tyler wants things to go back to the 1960s because whiteness was King and unchallenged.

Here's more
Tyler told Channel 3, he has no hatred in his heart for "people of color." He says the sign's message is that America should go back to a "1960s, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver time when there were no break-ins; no violent crime; no mass immigration."

Several Channel 3 viewers have called or sent messages to our newsroom, saying the signs do not reflect the feelings of the entire county and that they want them down.

Tyler said, "I respect their right to have an opinion. I believe the majority of the people in the county like it."

"I saw people taking pictures beside it right after I posted it," added Tyler.

Channel 3 asked Tyler if he feared for his safety or backlash from the campaign sign. He said, "I don't fear it. I welcome it, and I will respond with the application of truth."

Tyler posted a second sign on Highway 64 with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" quote written over a White House surrounded by Confederate Flags.

Other candidates in the District 3 race include incumbent Chuck Fleischmann, who's facing Allan Levene and Geoffery Suhmer Smith for the GOP nomination.

Michael Friedman, George Ryan Love and Melody Shekari are vying for the Democratic nomination.

Tyler is running as an independent candidate along with Topher Kersting and Cassandra Mitchell.


  1. Someone needs to lay hands on Tennessee.


  2. This should also convince you that all of the great civilizations from antiquity had to be started by us. White people with their recessive genes and poorly refined reproductive systems, could not have lasted this long, seemingly that they are disappearing faster than anything now. Breeding with us, or breeding without us.
