Tuesday, May 24, 2016

John Carpenter is coming back to the Halloween Franchise

Horror fans!

It's been a while since I've talked about Horror stuff, but this is serious!

John Carpenter, the man who created HALLOWEEN is on board for the next film in the series! Blumhouse is co-producing a new Halloween film with the master of horror.

From their website
Just like its unstoppable villain Michael Myers, it seems the HALLOWEEN film franchise — which launched in 1978 with John Carpenter’s original classic and spawned seven sequels as well as a remake with its own sequel — was destined to come back to life again.

We’re thrilled to announce that Michael has found a new home at last — thanks to the efforts of Blumhouse founder/CEO Jason Blum, HALLOWEEN franchise producer Malek Akkad, Miramax and Trancas International Films, who have just announced a team-up of historic proportions to bring a new HALLOWEEN to the big screen.

But hang on for the best part…

Tonight’s press gathering included a surprise appearance by none other than the father of HALLOWEEN himself, John Carpenter, who took the stage to confirm that he’s officially signed onto the new film as Executive Producer and Creative Consultant (Blum describes him as “Godfather” of the project), which bodes very well that the film will bring the franchise back in line with his original vision.
I'm excited because John The Carpenter is involved!

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