Thursday, May 19, 2016

73 House Republicans are Demanding Answers on Bathroom Directive

So, some members of the GOP thought it would be cute to send our president a letter about the bathroom directive.

You see, when you've lost other battles involving LGBTQ matters, I guess you keep the ball rolling. Anywho, the author of the letter comes from Rep. Mark Walker.

It's addressed to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Education Secretary John King, and they demand to know why they're making everybody feel unsafe and discomfortable. Here's some of the demands from the letter:

  • List all actions that the ED and DOJ, jointly or separately, will take against or regarding a school, school district, or state in which a teacher, school administrator, educator,school contractor, or person volunteering at a school does not comply with this guidance;
  • Detail all actions that a school, teacher, school contractor, and person volunteering must take to be in compliance with this guidance;
  • Confirm whether ED and DOJ consider this guidance to be legally binding and whether ED and DOJ will report this guidance to Congress;
  • Delineate the statutory authority under which ED and DOJ issued this guidance;
  • Explain why schools must disregard the privacy, “discomfort,” and emotional strain imposed on other students during use of bathroom, showering, and changing facilities and overnight accommodations as these schools comply with this guidance; and
  • Explain to what extent teachers, guidance counselors, school administrators, and parents and guardians of students were consulted regarding the implementation and effect of this
  • guidance.

They want a reply by May 30, 2016.

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