Monday, April 11, 2016

NAACP to lead Sit-In over North Carolina's Hate Law

The HB 2 drama is causing a huge stir. More companies are boycotting the state and celebs are donating funds to help equality groups in North Carolina.

One of the big calls of activism is coming from the NAACP.

NAACP president William Barber is planning a sit-in says at the state legislature on April 21st. The goal is to stay there until the law is repealed.

Barber said:
“We cannot be silent in the face of this race-based, class-based, homophobic and transphobic attack on wage earners, civil rights, and the LGBTQ community,” Barber said in a news release. “Together with our many allies, we will coordinate a campaign of nonviolent direct action along with other forms of nonviolent protest that will instruct our legislators with respect to the rights of all people.”
Several groups will be joining Barber for the protest.


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