Friday, February 12, 2016

Freedom Indiana demands Answers from Gov. Mike Pence

Yesterday, at a Town Hall meeting, Governor Pence was asked: Should it be legal to discriminate against LGBT Hoosiers?

He gave a poo putt answer that ticked off LGBT organization, Freedom Indiana. The created this video

They wrote on their blog
If Governor Pence thought this issue would just go away because lawmakers lacked the courage to advance LGBT protections this year, he couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Because even if he refuses to answer, Hoosiers won’t stop asking the obvious question. If the Governor truly believes, as he said today, that “no one should ever be discriminated against,” then why does he flat-out refuse to support a simple solution to add “sexual orientation, gender identity” to our state’s civil rights law.

Let’s make sure the Governor and members of the General Assembly have no doubt in their minds: We aren’t going anywhere until our state law fully protects LGBT Hoosiers.
I'm glad FI is holding Governor Pence accountable. He needs to lead and do what's best for Indiana.

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