Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trump whines over Megyn Kelly, threatens to Boycott Fox News Debate

Donald Trump is a crybaby.

He's whining about being in the Fox News Debate because of Megyn Kelly. For some reason, he's afraid of her.

Here's more
His campaign later released a statement firmly declaring that Trump "will not be participating in the Fox News debate." He will instead host an event on behalf of veterans that night, his press release said.

Trump's chief complaint was that Fox News host Megyn Kelly will be one of the three moderators. He has complained about her supposedly biased coverage for months.

"I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly. I think she's a third-rate reporter. I think she, frankly, is not good at what she does. And I think they could do a lot better than Megyn Kelly," Trump said at the press conference, later criticizing her as a "total lightweight."
Fox News defended Megyn to the Gods, however Trump plans on not showing up.

I can't wait to see who yields first.


1 comment:

  1. I want to see an empty podium at the debate where [t]Rump would have been had he not been afraid of Kelly.
    He's supposed to take on ISIS but he runs from her???
