Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee will attend the Trump's Veterans Event

Lord, this keeps getting better and better.

Desperate to be seen and heard, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum will attend Donald Trump's pro-veterans tonight. Yes, more losers for your viewing eyes.

The Hill reports

Huckabee said that he didn't speak with Trump directly about the plans, but that his staff had expressed interest in conversation with the Trump campaign. He added that he doesn't believe the decision to join Trump at the event sends a negative message to those candidates taking part in the main-stage debate.

"It's to honor the troops, it's not an endorsement of Donald Trump's candidacy. I'm still running for president, we've got the caucuses Monday night, but I'm delighted to join with Donald Trump in an effort to salute the veterans," Huckabee said Thursday on CNN's "Wolf."

"I'm not invited to the main stage, I would have loved to have been on that stage ... if they aren't sitting out in the audience watching me, I don't feel any compulsion that I have to be there for that debate.

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