Friday, January 1, 2016

Music Legend Natalie Cole has Died

We lost a very talented performer today.

Natalie Cole died of congestive heart failure. Natalie has been suffering from a variety of health issues in the past few years and it has caused her to cancel some of her live performances. Although she was getting better, she was still taking some time to rest

Natalie had an amazing career, winning nine Grammys and other major awards. She also had a drug addiction back in the 70s and early 80s, but she did move past that to become a very powerful entertainer and performer.

Natalie will be greatly missed. We will always be thankful for her and the music.


  1. Her final album was a collection of Spanish songs (2013)and it is incredible! If you don't have it, get it - you will appreciate the music and the fun she put into each song (even if you don't speak Spanish!)

  2. Natalie Cole will truly be unforgettable. We will miss her.

  3. Hi, Viktor. Long time lurker of your blog. Thanks for posting this about Natalie; I had no idea. (Also, you've got a stray "her" at the end of your second sentence; no big deal, it's just the perfectionist in me).

    I have noticed in the past that you went to Murray State here in KY. I didn't go to school there, but I spent a summer there as a Governor's Scholar. I went to U of Hell, because I got a double scholarship there. However, I really wanted to go further away from home, such as Murray (I'm from Nelson Co., where Bardstown is). Parents felt they could keep a better eye on me being closer to home & keep me on their religion's righteous path.

    So anyway, are you from KY? If so, what part?

    Please keep up your blog; I find a lot of things here that I don't see on other blogs, and I feel richer for it. Happy New Year!

    ~~~ NB
