Monday, December 28, 2015

Hate Leader Tony Perkins needs a Million dollars to fight LGBT Rights

Tony sent this email, begging for money. He wants to continue this losing battle against us, check it out.
I hope you had a blessed Christmas! But now you and I must end this year defending the faith we celebrated — the faith we LIVE OUT — against those who would push it out of our society. That’s why I emailed you earlier this month.

I wanted to let you know that Family Research Council (FRC) needs to receive $1 million by the end of the day, December 31, to finish 2015 on budget. Now it is less than one week until our deadline. And as I send this, we still haven’t made our goal. But every gift will be doubled dollar-for-dollar by a generous $250,000 Matching Grant (up to the amount of the grant).

Family Research Council needs, and we absolutely appreciate, your support at this very crucial moment in U.S. history. If you have not yet given, then I ask you to please do so. Making our goal is absolutely critical. As you know, radicals in Washington, New York, Hollywood, activist groups, and more attacked your faith and values like no other year in history.

FIVE UNELECTED JUDGES OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT told Americans they had to change their definition of marriage and those disagreeing risked punishment and ruin. A county clerk went to jail. Businesses were ruined. Ministries were jeopardized. Yet FRC rallied Americans to support heroes living out their faith, such as county clerk Kim Davis, who received our special “Cost of Discipleship Award” and is back on the job.

PRESIDENT OBAMA ordered the government to enforce special privileges for people based on homosexual and transgender behavior and insisted that taxpayers and ministries participate in funding or facilitating the provision of abortion. Yet FRC helped expose these threats to Congress as they moved closer than ever to defunding Planned Parenthood, and proposed laws to protect Christians living out their faith in the workplace.

Spreading FRC’s careful research — our irrefutable facts, logic, and powerful arguments for faith, family, and freedom — are especially important in this year of national elections and debate! However, we are competing with wealthy forces of immorality or compromise — in both major political parties. Will this be an opportunity lost or seized? I believe the answer will depend on God’s grace, our prayers, our courage, our wisdom, and funding from insightful patriots like you. FRC needs to finish 2015 financially at full strength. We absolutely need to make our $1 million goal by the December 31 deadline.
Girl, bye

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