Monday, November 9, 2015

University of Missouri System president Resigns Amid Protest over Racist Incidents

If you haven't heard, University of Missouri has been dealing with some serious sh#t.

Black students and local activists has been protesting about the racist incidents on their campus for over two months.

Mediate reports:
Black students, as reported by Boston Globe, have been complaining for months about slurs and a series of prejudicial incidents around the school, and that the school wasn’t taking enough action to address the issue through policy reform. These incidents prominently included a swastika that was drawn on school property, and students being threatened with pepper spray for protesting.
Their president Tim Wolfe handled issues very poorly, to the point that the students went on a Hunger strike. Then over the weekend, the football team went on strike, demanding for Wolfe to be fired.
Here's a recap video

Later on Tom Wolfe resigned

1 comment:

  1. Those fools who burned Ferguson and Baltimore need to pay attention. This is what can be accomplished when people protest responsibly.
