Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Officer Ben Fields has been suspended without pay

Officer Ben Fields has made headlines this week before literally slamming a high school girl to the ground because she wouldn't leave the classroom for chewing gum. This took place in Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina.

I won't show the video because some may be triggered by the actions of this particular officer. Instead, I want to focus on Ben's history but he's had in the last seven years, check this out:
1) In 2007, a couple sued Fields, fellow deputy Joseph Clark and Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, alleging false arrest, excessive force and violation of free speech rights in 2005.

According to the complaint, Carlos Edward Martin was driving home and got out of his car when Fields approached him and asked if he was the source of an excessive noise complaint that the officer was investigating.

Martin claimed that Fields "slammed him to the ground, cuffed him, began kicking him, and chemically maced him until his clothing was drenched and the contents of the can of mace was [sic] depleted," according to court documents.

When Martin's wife took pictures with her cell phone, Fields told a responding officer to confiscate her phone, according to the lawsuit.

But a jury ruled in favor of Fields.
2) Fields is one of 10 defendants in another case, scheduled to go to trial in January.

In that lawsuit, former Spring Valley High School student Ashton James Reese claims he was unlawfully expelled from school in 2013. At the time, Fields was investigating alleged gang activity at the school.

Reese claimed several offenses in the suit, including lack of due process, negligence, negligent supervision and a violation of the right to public education -- as mandated by state law.

The jury trial is scheduled for January 27-29

Right now, Fields has been placed on administrative leave. There is a case being built on this incident as we speak.

Officer Ben Fields has been suspended without pay.


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