Thursday, October 8, 2015

Kevin McCarthy Drops Out Of Speaker's Race

This is chaos and I'm loving it. It's exposing the foolishness and mess in the GOP. It's also showing the country that the GOP are not capable of leading the nation.

And what's REALLY funny is NOM's Brian Brown taking credit for this. Look at this email I received from him:
Big win! Kevin McCarthy, the California Congressman who supported pro-same sex marriage Republican, Carl Demaio has dropped out of the race for House speaker! As you know NOM worked hard to help defeat Carl Demaio and other pro-same-sex marriage Republicans in 2014. Now the fight is on for a Speaker who will not just pay lip service to marriage and religious liberty, but will actually forcefully support legislation like the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). We’ve got a ton of work to do to make that a reality and we need your help to do it. We have a matching challenge grant through the end of this year that will double your donation. Will you help us fight for a real champion as speaker? Will you help us pass the First Amendment Defense Act?
This is so good... pass the chips and popcorn

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