Monday, October 26, 2015

In Houston: NAACP fully supports HERO!

The NAACP came out in support of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Using Twitter and radio ads, the organization is in stealth mode to get the message out.

Here's more from their site
As Houstonians head to the polls to cast their early votes on Proposition 1, the NAACP and Houston Urban League—the city’s most prominent African-American organizations—are urging a YES vote to protect Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance.In addition to the radio ads, the organizations have purchased ads in print publications across the city, including images harkening back tot he 1960’s Civil Rights Movement with the tagline, “We were about equality then. We are about equality NOW.”

There’s no denying that discrimination is a real issue in Houston. In the last year, more than 60% of discrimination claims filed under Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance were on the basis of race. Without an equal rights ordinance, Houstonians would be forced to literally make a federal case out of it—and bear the burden of a costly, drawn-out legal battle. 
We’re proud to stand alongside allies like the NAACP and Houston Urban League in supporting an ordinance that ensures all Houstonians are treated fairly and equally under the law.
Listen to the radio ad after the jump

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