Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kim Davis loses ANOTHER Court Battle

Kim Davis keeps trying and keeps losing.

I've lost count, but she lost in another attempt to stop granting marriage licenses. reports

U.S. District Judge David Bunning refused to grant Davis an emergency stay that she requested for the preliminary injunction he issued last month, ordering her to resume issuing marriage licenses. Davis stopped issuing marriage licenses in June because of her religious opposition to the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, prompting roughly a half-dozen local couples to sue her.

At a hearing Sept. 3 in Ashland, where Bunning sent Davis to jail for five days for contempt of court, the judge expanded his mandate to include all eligible couples in Rowan County, rather than just the couples who sued Davis.

Davis challenged Bunning's expanded order before the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Her lawyers argued that because most of the couples who sued received their licenses from one of Davis' deputies during her time in jail, she should not have to issue any more while the case is pending. The appeals court rejected her request a week ago because Davis failed to first ask Bunning to stay his order, as federal court rules require.

In a five-page order Wednesday, Bunning denied the stay motion that Davis subsequently filed with him. The judge said he had no intention of letting Davis grant marriage licenses to eligible couples who are plaintiffs in the case while denying licenses to others.
In other words, DO YOUR JOB

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