Wednesday, September 16, 2015

In Texas: A 9th-Grade Student arrested after bringing Homemade Clock to School

This is just ridiculous!

14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed is a smart kid. He invent things and makes his own electronics. Whiz kid, right? Well, Ahmed wanted to impress his teachers, so he created a clock and brought it to school to show his work. This is where the foolishness begins.

As soon as he shows his invention, the teacher immediately thinks it's a bomb. So, the cops arrived, Ahmed was handcuffed and taken to juvenile detention. Ahmed was there for hours, until his parents came for him. The police say they might charge Ahmed for making a hoax bomb, even though they know it isn't. At this time, Ahmed’s been suspended. The Council on American-Islamic Relations is looking into this incident, and Irving ISD officials and Irving police will hold a press conference at 11am.

Here's Ahmed telling the story

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