Thursday, August 6, 2015

WATCH President Obama: Homophobia and Racism Come from the same Mindset

This is a long speech, but a great one overall. President Obama talks about homophobia at the 48:00 mark.

He said:
“The notion that any African would discriminate against somebody because of the color of their skin, after what black people around the world have gone through, is crazy. It is infuriating and I have no patience for it.

“The same, by the way, is true for sexual orientation. I spoke about this in Africa, and everybody is like, oh, oh, we don’t want to hear that. But the truth of the matter is that if you’re treating people differently just because of who they love and who they are, then there’s a connection between that mindset and the mindset that led to racism, and the mindset that leads to ethnic conflict. It means that you’re not able to see somebody else as a human being.”


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