Monday, August 17, 2015

Michael Sam is taking a much needed Break

Michael Sam has been in a whirlwind of stuff. From the NFL drafts, engagements, the media and being gay, Micahel hasn't really come down from all of that attention. And while it can be a good thing, it can also take its toll. So on Twitter, Sam released this statement.
“The last 12 months have been very difficult for me, to the point where I became concerned with my mental health. Because of this I am going to step away from the game at this time.I thank the Alouettes for this opportunity and hope to be back on the field soon. Thank you all for your understanding and support.”
I can't imagine the pressure and the madness he was dealing with. But I hope he steps away and get himself back on track.

We're rooting for you, Michael.

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