Thursday, July 30, 2015

Instagram faves Caleb Anthony and Kordale Lewis have Broken Up

The couple who set Instagram on fire have called it quits.

Caleb Anthony and Kordale Lewis have sadly gone their separate ways.

People magazine reports:
There appeared to be no signs of discord in the family in January, when their lives were documented in a two-minute video produced for Nikon's "I Am Generation Image" campaign.

But Anthony's letter gives general clues about what went wrong for the pair: "Loving someone shouldn't be hard, it should be easy and stress free," he writes. "You should never have to question your worth or compromise your morals when you're with your soulmate."

It seems Anthony and Lewis made an effort to work out their issues but ultimately could not mend feelings of "disrespect."

"Neither one of us were perfect in our relationship, but when you are blatantly disrespected by someone who is supposed to be working with you to make y'all better, going to counseling smiling and telling you how much everything is going to work out…it's over," Anthony writes.

Anthony assures his kids Desmiray, Malia, and Kordale Jr. that he will still be there for them despite the breakup.

"To my beautiful kids, I'll see you this weekend at mommy's house; it's whatever you all want to do!"

"My love for them will always prevail even if 'Daddy' and I are no longer together," he adds.

Even though "needing" to write the letter "breaks his heart," Anthony insists that he still believes love will eventually prevail.

"Love truly wins," he writes, "and I wish the best for Kordale."
My heart goes out to them


  1. People really need to think twice before they put themselves out there! But, honestly, breaking up happens in straight relationships too so we shouldn't be surprised.

  2. Two whores trying to play house has never worked ......Sorry .
