Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In Arkansas: Judge recognizes 500-plus Same-Sex Marriages

Good news from Arkansas.

Yesterday, Judge Wendell Griffen ordered the state officials to acknowledge more than 500 gay marriages performed in the state last year. This recognition allows same-sex couples to reap the benefits (literally) of filing taxes and receiving health insurance plans.

Here's more
Pulaski County Circuit Judge Wendell Griffen validated marriage licenses that were issued to same-sex couples after another judge struck down the state's gay marriage ban. The state Supreme Court halted the distribution of marriage licenses to gay couples after a week in May 2014 and is considering the appeal over a voter-approved same-sex marriage ban. Some of the same-sex couples who married in Arkansas last year filed a lawsuit in February alleging that the state was violating their rights by not recognizing the unions. Griffen's ruling means the couples can file taxes jointly, appear jointly on a child's birth certificate, enroll together on state health insurance plans and even file for divorce. Griffen was among a number of people who presided over same-sex marriage ceremonies in May 2014.


1 comment:

  1. Nice step, now let's work toward making all future same-sex marriages legal.
