Tuesday, April 14, 2015

NOM is Broke, they need a GoFundMe campaign to pay for Buses

Here is their latest email blast

Friends — We have launched a new campaign through GoFundMe.com to help raise the funds we need to organize additional buses for marriage supporters to come to Washington, DC for the 2015 March for Marriage on April 25th. Please help us!

We have many more requests for buses than we have funds to pay for them. Every dollar we raise in this campaign will go to help subsidize buses for communities that do not have the resources to sponsor a bus on their own. Many of these are in urban communities. Nobody should miss the opportunity to attend the critically-important March for Marriage due to lack of resources. Please give today, and then share the link with all your friends via email, Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you for your support!
This March for Marriage is going to be a bust.

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