Wednesday, April 1, 2015

In Indiana: Memories Pizza says they will Refuse Service to Gays, Now Shut Down!

Get ready to be trolled on Yelp

Ha! And what do you know, the pizza place shut down! TMZ reports:

Kevin O’Connor tells TMZ he's had to temporarily close his business after he told a reporter he would refuse to cater a gay wedding under Indiana's new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. O'Connor says he was immediately flooded by threatening phone calls, and social media postings.

O'Connor wants to clear up one thing: He says he would never deny service to gay people in his restaurant. However, due to his religious beliefs, he does not believe in gay marriage ... and that's why he wouldn't service one.
Meanwhile, he says the threats have been serious enough that he's closing his pizza joint ... at least until the dust settles.

This is golden.