Thursday, March 12, 2015

#WeJustNeedToPee addresses the Bathroom Bills

From Buzzfeed

Michael Hughes, a transgender man from Minnesota, was inspired by Carnes to start a similar movement in the US in response to the proposed laws.

Using the hashtag #WeJustNeedToPee, he posted pictures of himself in a women’s restroom.

 Hughes told BuzzFeed News that his main reason for bringing the campaign to the US was to show “how ludicrous these laws would look in action”.

He said he felt compelled to stand up against the proposed laws even though he is able to use his preferred restroom without incident.

“I used men’s restrooms several years before transition. I had a hard time using women’s rooms most of my adult life,” he said. “I would be able to use men’s facilities without question but that’s a privilege not every trans person has, especially early in transition.”

“I’m doing this to stand up for my trans brothers and sisters.”

Follow the hashtag, plus check out #PlettPutMeHere as well

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