Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Gov. Sam Brownback rescinds protections for LGBT state employees in Kansas

Gov. Sam Brownback is a major asshole! Yesterday, this bastard rescinded a 2007 executive order protecting state employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation or sexual identity!

Here's more
In place of that order, Brownback issued another order that he said “reaffirms the commitment of the State of Kansas to employment practices which do not discriminate based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin, ancestry or age.”

The civil rights protection was one of nine executive orders originally signed by Govs. Kathleen Sebelius and Mark Parkinson that Brownback rescinded Tuesday. Most of those orders established boards and commissions that Brownback said no longer meet.

“This action by the governor is an outrage,” said Tom Witt, executive director of Equality Kansas, a gay rights and civil rights organization based in Wichita. “Gay, lesbian, and transgender state employees across Kansas have trusted they would be safe from discrimination and harassment in their workplace, but Sam Brownback has, by erasing their job protections, declared ‘open season’ on every one of them.”
This isn't over, Brownback! Not by a longshot!



  1. This is what they'll do now that they're losing on marriage equality.

  2. He's a conservative Republican, and presumably thinks freedom is paramount. But I wonder if he can explain how people can be free when they are not equal under the law? For him, equality means people are not equal under the law. It's hard to believe somebody can still hold a view like this and think it's American in any way, but they do.

  3. Incredible how so many of you "progressive" thinkers can lambast anyone who actually adheres to Constitutional principles. Let me spell it out for you, these issues (i.e. marriage/"same sex" marriage) are completely and totally without exception held, per the U.S. Constitution as states rights. This has previously been upheld by SCOTUS, yet the morons (a.k.a. Liberals/Progressives) continue to rant and rave about anything and everything they know absolutely nothing about while claiming they've been wronged. Here's an idea, try reading and understanding the basis of the law of the land versus listening to the blathering ignorant oafs of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, et al whom can't even provide one simple fact to support their arguments, only an irrational emotional tirade just as I read on blogs like this. Get a clue folks...
