Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tea Party Congressman compared Obama to Hitler, Apologized for it later

Tea Party favorite and Anti-Gay advocate Rep. Randy Weber got into some hot water recently.

The other day, he tweeted this

Well, that may have worked for the loons in the Tea Party, but everybody else wasn't too happy about it. Later, Randy released this on his website:
Representative Randy Weber (R-Friendswood) released the following statement in reference to a tweet sent out last night:

“I need to first apologize to all those offended by my tweet. It was not my intention to trivialize the Holocaust nor to compare the President to Adolf Hitler. The mention of Hitler was meant to represent the face of evil that still exists in the world today. I now realize that the use of Hitler invokes pain and emotional trauma for those affected by the atrocities of the Holocaust and victims of anti-Semitism and hate.

The terrorist attacks in Paris should remind us of the evil that still exists. Hitler was the face of evil, perpetrating genocide against six million Jews and millions of other victims. Today, we are facing the evil of Islamic extremists who are attempting to instill fear and murdering the lives of innocent people from Paris to Nigeria to Jerusalem and all over the world. The President’s actions or lack thereof is my point of contention. Islamic extremists have shown they are not going away, and instead are hungry for more blood.

After World War II, the world made a commitment to ‘Never Again’ allow terror free reign. As demonstrated by the Paris Peace Rally, we must all –Christians, Jews, Muslims, leaders around the world and those willing to fight for freedom – unite and stand strong together against radical extremism in any form."
So stupid of you Randy, so stupid

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