Friday, January 16, 2015

New Poll: New Yorkers are NOT feeling NYPD's Tantrums or Pat Lynch

The truth is out!

New Yorkers don't care much for the NYPD's temper tantrum, nor that crackhead Pat Lynch.

TPM reports

Now we have New Yorkers verdict - a new poll out from Quinnipiac. And New Yorkers have a resoundingly negative verdict on the back turning and the general behavior of the NYPD leadership over recent weeks.

New York City voters disapprove of police officers turning their backs on the Mayor at police funerals by 69% to 27%. 77% think police union President Pay Lynch's "blood on his hands" remarks were "too extreme" and no racial or gender subset of the population considers the comments "appropriate."

Though there are big differences across the city's racial groups 47% of New Yorkers say de Blasio's actions since he began his run for Mayor show he supports the city's police. 37% say the opposite.

Finally 52% of New Yorkers (versus 38%) says police discipline has broken down.

Pat Lynch is deeply unpopular, an accolade he shares with Al Sharpton.
Voters give Patrolmen's Benevolent Assn. President Patrick Lynch a negative 18 - 39 percent favorability rating and say 43 - 27 percent that he is a mostly negative force in the city.

Hopefully, this will snap these crybabies out of their foolishness and get Pat Lynch out on his ass.

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