Thursday, January 8, 2015

I think I like a Guy

So, I think I like someone.

I met this guy in September and we clicked pretty well. After our first meeting, we've been seeing each other regularly. We usually go out to dinner and a movie. Sometimes we just ride around and talk. We haven't kissed or anything else, just long strong hugs.

I enjoy being with him and he always tells me that he enjoys my company. But I wonder if he likes me? It silly to be coy at my age, but I'm afraid to say something. I guess I don't want to be shot down, it's been awhile since I've been shot down. Plus, he's only been single for a year. He wants to get to know someone before something happens, but I want to say something.

Should I just wait awhile longer, or should I say something?


  1. If your feelings are strong enough that you think you need to say something, then do it. If you don't, you'll be unhappy. If he reacts positively, you'll gain something. If he doesn't, you'll still gain; either your freedom to keep looking or a new friend, which isn't to be sneezed at. Whatever you decided to do and however he responds, you'll know what you're dealing with.

  2. I have a strict honesty policy, so I'd say something.
    I think it's better to know now than later, but it sounds like he's into you, and why wouldn't he be?

  3. Say something! I agree with Bob. Find out what is up with him, and then you will know if the feeling is mutual or if you guys are just friends.

  4. I agree with Bob. Sometimes you have to know.

  5. The next time you two have one of these strong hugs, pull back and go in for a kiss. That will either result in some fun smooching OR will start the conversation about what each of you are feeling and what you each wants.

  6. Why not call one of these get together an actual date and then have a conversation about how long you have been dating...?

    I think it's better to talk before you try and turn a hug into a kiss....

  7. If you've been seeing him since Sept. then he should know you by now. Or at least well enough to know if he wants to continue seeing you. You need to know where you stand.
