Monday, January 19, 2015

Go and see SELMA

This weekend I saw Selma and I tell you, the Academy should be ashamed of themselves. This film was so emotional, so on point and very engaging. Ava DuVernay directed a strong story, filled with so much passion. It is so ridic that the Academy ignored her and her work.

The actors in the film were so good. David Oyelowo came alive as Dr. King. He was superb and in most the scenes he was in. And Carmen Ejogo played Coretta Scott King like a boss. She looked like Coretta and carried herself in the way I would imagine her to be.

There was certain scenes that were intense... I was totally lost in many of the moments. This film was inspiring, I can't express how this movie was so good. So, if you haven't seen Selma... SEE THIS MOVIE!

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