Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sony Hack Reveals the Desire for Idris Elba to be James Bond

One of the good things about the Sony Hack is the news about Idris Elba being James Bond.

For a couple of years, many of us fantasized about Idris being the sexy agent. Well apparently, Sony Pictures Entertainment co-chairman and scorn queen Amy Pascal thought so, too.

On January 4, 2014, Amy sent an email to Elizabeth Cantillon, former executive vice president of production for Columbia Pictures, saying this... “Idris should be the next bond.”

Yes, he should be... He should be.


  1. Idris should be a lot of things. My husband, for one.

  2. I'm still all about Daniel Craig being Bond, but when he gives up the throne they should give it to Idris!

  3. I think that Idris would make an excellent bond.

    He is very suave and has that machismo going on already.

  4. NOT if it interferes with Idris being LUTHER (if'n you've not seen his show then watch it!!)
