Saturday, December 13, 2014

Brian Brown play Time Lord in his Latest Blog Post

This is his latest money begging letter... from the FUTURE
Friday, December 12, 2024

I sit silently holding the note my sixteen year old daughter brought home from school, taking in the word stamped in red — "Suspended." I look at her and know immediately what has happened, because we've been through this before. "He was in the girl's bathroom again and I told him to leave," she explains. All I can do is shake my head, realizing this is not going to end well.

You see, the individual my daughter is referring to is a fully-developed seventeen year old young man, but he has chosen to "identify" as a "she." The school says "she" is entitled to use the girl's bathroom, locker room and even shower facilities, and that those like my daughter who object to losing their privacy are harming her identity and bullying her. Bullying will not be tolerated.

Kids these days are told that they can choose their own gender. In fact, gender is no longer particularly relevant in the public schools. A few years ago the school district adopted the Ontario, Canada construct of telling students there were six genders, but recently they've gone to the Facebook model and teach that there are dozens of genders. What is relevant these days is not gender, but "gender identity."

Last year they adopted new guidelines to eliminate gender expressions like "boys" and "girls."

There used to be a Christian student group on campus where my daughter and fellow believers could discuss how to minister to students with different views on issues like human sexuality, but the school disbanded their group because it "discriminated" against students who don't believe in living godly principles.

Instead, they urged all students to join the LGBTQ group that meets on campus as a way of fostering understanding and inclusiveness. The "Q" stands for questioning one's sexuality, which the students encourage.

My daughter's teacher has a photo on her desk of her husband and wife. They're taking advantage of the recent court ruling that said there was no rational basis for limiting marriage to two people, so now someone can marry multiple people. The judges said they wanted to enhance equality, promote human dignity and encourage loving and committed relationships. All the spouses are entitled to benefits provided by the school district. A new law allows people to enter a marriage for a limited period of time, two years, and lets them end the marriage without penalty. But they also get benefits while they are together.

I read an article on my device that noted that even though marriage has been made available to any number or combination of people regardless of gender, there are fewer marriages taking place. A majority of children are now being born to unwed parents.

A new study came out the other day showing that teenage drug use, criminality, truancy and suicide were on the rise, while educational attainment is declining. More people are living in poverty than any other time in my life. The President published a video saying these facts point to the need for a massive new government program and proposed to raise taxes to pay for it.

The red "Suspended" on the paper in my fingers brings me back to the moment at hand. I look back at my daughter trying to figure out what to say, and shake my head again wondering how things got to this point, so far from the society I envisioned for her.

And then it hit me. It's because when we had the chance to do something about it when she was much younger, we didn't.

The rest of this mess is here

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