Wednesday, October 15, 2014

South Carolina Attorney General tries to halt Gay Marriage, Lambda Legal sues

AG Alan Wilson believes he's going the right thing by standing on the 'rule of the law'.

He and SC Governor Nikki Haley are really trying to block gay marriage, but now they have a case from Lambda Legal to deal with.

From their press release:
"The Fourth Circuit's decision means that same-sex couples in South Carolina should be shopping for a caterer, not a lawyer. Governor Haley and Attorney General Wilson cannot continue to ignore the rule of law. Fortunately, they have run out of cards to play - we're urging the court to allow same-sex couples in South Carolina to marry without any further delay," said Beth Littrell, Senior Attorney in Lambda Legal's Southern Regional Office based in Atlanta. "The state doesn't have any credible arguments for a court in South Carolina to entertain."

Sc"The Governor and Attorney General are playing politics with our families and it's shameful," said South Carolina Equality lawyer Nekki Shutt, partner at Callison Tighe & Robinson. "Instead of celebrating and planning weddings, same-sex couples all over South Carolina are holding their collective breath - and they have been waiting long enough."

Lambda Legal represents Colleen Condon and Nichols Bleckley who applied and paid for a marriage license in Charleston County last week before the Attorney General asked the South Carolina State Supreme Court to step in and put a halt to the issuances of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The South Carolina Supreme Court effectively stopped state court judges from issuing marriage licenses or weighing in on marriage equality pending an order from federal court. Another federal case, Bradacs v. Haley, remains pending - it involves couples already legally married seeking recognition in South Carolina of their marriage, while the Condon suit seeks the issuance of a marriage license.

When will they learn?

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