Monday, October 27, 2014

In Michigan: Religious Leader say they will go to Jail, before supporting an Inclusive Civil Rights Act

More religious foolishness.

About 400 Michigan Pastors and Christian leaders got together on the steps on the State Capital in Lansing, Michigan and held a press conference over the addition of in opposition include sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in the state's Civil Rights Act.

These bigots claim they will go to jail than to support the act. From their press release:
"We, the undersigned Christian Pastors of the State of Michigan declare our opposition to adding sexual orientation, gender identity or other similar designation to the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act." -- Pastor Doug Levesque, Immanuel Baptist Church, Corunna, Michigan, reading a pastor's joint statement.

The Pastors said that legislation in other states that were allegedly intended to protect homosexuals actually ended up discriminating against people of faith, citing the recent case in Houston, Texas, where the sermons, notes, and text messages of pastors were subpoenaed by the mayor.

"The homosexual agenda is an anti-freedom movement which has led to the persecution of pastors and Christian business owners across the nation, whose freedom of speech and freedom of religion are being taken from them, under the guise of so called gay rights. There is nothing civil about that!"-- Minister Stacy Swimp, President, National Christian Leadership Council

"Those wanting special rights for sexual orientation are seeking to rewrite the traditional moral fiber of our society." -- Tim Berlin, senior pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Warren

"I don't know of another example of pastors' sermons being subpoenaed, except for in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. I find it ironic that the first example of that happening in America is from the LGBT community." -- Pastor R.B. Ouelette, First Baptist, Bridgeport, Michigan.
Blah, Blah, Blah! They go on and on about nothing, however I would like to see them go to jail for this. Let them pray their way through prison.

If you're curious, here's a link to their site and below is the press conference they held.

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