Wednesday, September 24, 2014

True Detective season 2 has their Lead Cast

The two leads in this season's True Detective are Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell. Personally, I was hoping for a woman or a person of color, but hopefully we will get that in season 3.

Anywho, here's more:
The network officially confirmed on Tuesday that Farrell will star as Ray Velcoro, "a compromised detective whose allegiances are torn between his masters in a corrupt police department and the mobster who owns him."

Vaughn will play Frank Semyon, "a career criminal in danger of losing his empire when his move into legitimate enterprise is upended by the murder of a business partner."

HBO said the upcoming eight-episode season will involve "three police officers and a career criminal (who) must navigate a web of conspiracy in the aftermath of a murder."
I loved last season, so I expect greatness again.


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