Friday, September 19, 2014

Scott Lively is Frightened of the HRC

Scott Lively is afraid of the HRC. In their latest campaign, the HRC targets hate leaders who go abroad to spread anti-gay hate.

After receiving this "honor", Scott went to Barbwire to express his fears:
The so-called Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has taken a page from the left wing hate group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and published a new report called “The Export of Hate.” A’ la SPLC, this publication is nothing less than an enemies list designed to help people like “gay” activist Floyd Lee Corkins identify their assassination targets.

I have special cause for concern in this matter because I am listed by HRC as Target #1.

Not every “gay” activist is physically violent, thankfully. Most limit their “human rights advocacy” to harassment, intimidation and slander. But make no mistake, if they thought they could get away will killing every person on the HRC and SPLC hit lists, they would do it. They smolder with malicious hatred against anyone who stands in their way.
That's just the beginning of his rant, but seriously, no one cares if you're scared, Scott.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad he's scared. He deserves to burn in hell, so why not make his life a living one?
