Thursday, September 25, 2014

Norman Reedus said that Walking Dead's Daryl is 'Prison Gay'

Norman Reedus said that his character, Daryl, maybe be "Prison Gay" in The Walking Dead.

In a GQ Magazine interview, Norman said:
“I remember [talking to] Frank Darabont, after the first season – we were at a party in LA. He said, ‘I’ve got an idea for Daryl. He’s gay. Would you be interested in that?’ I was like, ‘Let me hear you out.’ He said, ‘Well, he’s prison gay. Like, you’ll catch him looking at a member of the same sex, but if you mention it to him, he’ll just stab you and be like, What the fuck? He will never admit it.’ I was like, ‘That’ll blow minds – let’s do that.' And he said, 'I knew I hired you for a reason.' "
Prison Gay... I think we need to see that on the screen with several scenes.

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