Thursday, September 4, 2014

Christian Group vows to Protest the Dallas Cowboys over Michael Sam

Lord, this fool is at it again.

Remember when Jack Burkman, leader of the hate group American Decency, claimed that he would lead a boycott against the NFL over Michael Sam?

Well, that never happened.

However, he's claiming to protest the Dallas Cowboys over Michael this coming Sunday. I guess they are going to... I don't know, call God in to push Michael Sam out?
In an interview, Jack said:
“We cannot just stand idly by as Christian values and morals are trampled. We will do whatever we can to preserve family values in this country.”
Okay, Jack... Then protest the players who use enhancing drugs, the ones who beat their wives/girlfriends, the ones who cheat on their spouses or the ones who have been a part of major crimes.

And since when football represents Christian values? Jack must not watch football or any sports. Christian values, Ha!



  1. He needs a hobby other than hatin' on The Gays.

  2. This is a guy who was a client of the DC Madam and who solicited two girls on MySpace for sex. Who is he to talk about moral values?
