Saturday, September 20, 2014

CBS Gives Series Commitment to a ‘Supergirl’ series

CBS wants Supergirl.

Following "Arrow" and "The Flash", scribes Greg Berlanti and Ali Adler are moving forward with a “Supergirl” series.

For you non-geeks, Supergirl is Superman's cousin. Her name is Kara Zor-El, who, 24, and ready to use her powers for good.

This is another one of DC Comics many TV projects. Supergirl joins Gotham, Arrow, The Flash, Constantine, iZombie and possibly, Teen Titans/Titans for TNT. I'm not too worried about this series, Greg is pretty good with telling decent stories, so this could be a hit.


1 comment:

  1. Not only is Greg good, but I'm intrigued by the character in general. On Earth 2, she's Power Girl. I'm wondering if maybe she'll use the alias Kara Starr. Or maybe there will be a crossover with Arrow since Kara and Huntress are together in the Worlds' Finest and upcoming World's End comic series?

    I'm definitely watching it.
