Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Three quarters of Whites don’t have any Friends of Color

In not so surprising news, another study has revealed another interesting bit of info.

White folks have less friends of color. I'm not not shocked, but in an ever-changing society I thought things were changing... Hmmm.

This study comes from Robert Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute
Let's consider the average American white American and the average American black American, and let's say, for simplicity's sake, that each of them have 100 friends. If you were to break down their respective friend networks by race, they would look something like this

In a 100-friend scenario, the average white person has 91 white friends; one each of black, Latino, Asian, mixed race, and other races; and three friends of unknown race. The average black person, on the other hand, has 83 black friends, eight white friends, two Latino friends, zero Asian friends, three mixed race friends, one other race friend, and four friends of unknown race.

To put it another way: Blacks have ten times as many black friends as white friends. But white Americans have an astonishing 91 times as many white friends as black friends.

There are a number of factors driving these numbers. Simple population counts are one of them: there are more white people than black people in the U.S., so it makes sense that the average American is going to have more white friends than black friends.
Interesting, but sad info read about.



  1. I will not believe any data from a "Religion Institute"

  2. PS The simple research summation you quoted is in itself flawed.

    Oy vey....

    This isnt research - this is worthy of FOX news.

  3. You may not be shocked, but I am. i find this amazing, and, yeah, sad.
