Saturday, August 16, 2014

More Unrest in the Streets of Ferguson

Sadly, a small riot broke out in Ferguson late last night.

Some in the community became rowdy after Chief Thomas Jackson revealed pieces of a video and vague info about Michael Brown and the possibility a robbery before his death. I posted both messy press conferences yesterday.

Anywho, some in the community got rowdy and tried to cause some problems. Here's more:

Armored vehicles rolled back onto the streets of Ferguson early Saturday, as riot police faced off with looters in the Missouri town gripped by protests since the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black teen.

The violence broke the brief period of calm that had settled over Ferguson, Missouri, after outrage over the shooting of Michael Brown spilled over.

Protests had started off peacefully in Ferguson on Friday night. Rev. Jesse Jackson linked arms with protesters, leading them in prayer and urging them to "turn pain into power" while fighting back non-violently, NBC Affiliate KSDK reported. Crowds turned rowdy and looting later broke out, according to KSDK.

Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson said some in the crowd began throwing rocks and other objects at police, according to The Associated Press.

Tear gas was deployed and riot police moved in, with some locals forming lines to protect local businesses from looters.

I am glad to hear that the community fought back against the looters, but I'm pissed this happened again.



  1. I love the Gays, I wonder who got the ball rolling on this world wide protest? I was shocked to see a march down my way. This is awesome.

  2. The Iran leader is disgusted with this shooting too.
