Saturday, August 23, 2014

GoFundMe is feeling Heat for the Darren Wilson campaign

GoFundMe may be under fire.

Officer Darren Wilson has a campaign raising funds for “any financial needs they may have including legal fees”. It's pretty sad, but what is really messy, are the racist statements with the donations.

A lot of horrid people left racist statements on the page, calling us animals and savages.

Many folks called GoFundMe out, saying these statements and the campaign goes against their own policy about supporting hate and racial intolerance. GoFundMe did respond to those complaints saying:
“Some donors’ comments have contained content that is in violation of GoFundMe’s terms and have been removed accordingly.”
 But they also said:
“The content of the campaign itself is not in violation of GoFundMe’s terms of service.”
As of now, Darren Wilson's campaign has raised over 250K. Many folks are threatening to boycott GoFundMe.

Personally, someone should hack their IP addresses and send them viruses.



  1. Personally, someone should hack their IP addresses and send them viruses.

    That is why I've been following a few Anonymous accounts on Twitter. You never know... you might get your wish someday.

  2. Yeah, sounds like the type of reverse raciest discrimination that has had such a polarizing effect on folks. If folks don't agree with you, just ignore their opinions and feelings about things and find some unethical, immoral and dishonest action and hurt them in whatever way you can hurt or damage them! Then you wonder why folks find your actions so offensive and small minded. I'm as liberal (if I must be labeled) as they come, but what I saw in Ferguson, Mo.truly was disgusting. And don't try to tell me it was minimal in nature. The behavior of most in Ferguson was really disgusting with all the rioting, destruction of innocent people's property, stealing, etc.

    It was horrible that Michael Brown lost his life and I'm no fan of some individuals that are given badges/uniforms by many communities/towns/cities however, but that gives no one the right to act like animals by stealing, destroying property, etc. and try to justify those actions in the name of some kid who lost his life.Such things have a VERY NEGATIVE influence on how honest, law-abiding citizens view such people and it has nothing to do with race. Regardless, a kid lost his life and though he was obviously not the innocent young man he was made out to be by his Mother, this situation in your city has had a very polarizing effect on most people in the country. The only thing that's really surprising is that many of you there wonder why many of the rest of us feel as we do! What do you expect others to think and feel when it appears you've lost all objectivity about what is fair and unfair? Scream and shout at me and others all you like, but the citizens of this country are going to both EXPECT and DEMAND that everyone is treated fairly in this situation and that includes fairness to Darren Wilson as well.
